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Brickworks Ciderhouse
23 notes
Brickworks Ciderhouse

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Post author: Biersau
@ The Aulde Dubliner
2 years ago
Auf sizze örgelung bledlsäue lamao

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Bock Squeeze / Toronto Pearson International Airport, Terminal 1
4 years ago
Translucent, gold cider unleashes a hasty head that dissipates hastily to flat still. The olfactory provision includes medium-sweet apple juice. Not surprisingly, the gustatory profile puts also forward natural, medium-sweet apple nectar. The finish is rapid. The mouthfeel is light, juicy, natural and summery.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Lee Kitchen / Toronto Pearson International Airport, Terminal 1
4 years ago
Lucid, gold cider with effervescent carbonation offers a white, whipped-creamy head that surpasses one finger. The foamy cap dissolves rushedly to a hair-thin lacing on the surface. The scent is extraordinarily mild: basically nice natural apple nectar but way too oppressed. Almost nonexistent. The taste is dichotomous: on one hand, significantly watery; on the other hand, nicely light-tart natural apple mash. The similar aftertaste disappears relatively rapidly from the mouth. The mouthfeel is watery, natural, a bit tart and somewhat acidic. Low grade because of the excessive thinness.