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Post author: Edgeworth
@ Ray's Cave
1 year ago
Finally getting to enjoy beers with my son-in-law once he put up a pause on his diet. My Alabama Crimson Tide and his Texas Aggies face off today. This is an interesting beer from Poland that he found for us to Duo. Could smell the raspberries as soon as I took the cap off the bottle. Very flavorful. Went into the glass with a moderately high tan head but it didn't stay for long. The aroma, and I love aroma, is pure raspberry. Nothing else, just raspberry. That first sip is killer. Soft, gentle, smooth, while staying light in texture. Flavor, this reminds me of a raspberry cordial from one of those variety packs you get at Christmas. Very fruity with the raspberry while adding a creamy alcohol overture with a lot of back end vanilla. With each sip the aroma continues to permeate the nostril while trying to evaluate the flavor. Nice. The very authentic raspberry continues along with its cordial characteristic vanilla. As it travels into the middle, it becomes very dry. Continues through the finish but doesn't change this very authentic raspberry flavor. My first beer from Poland and an excellent one. Maybe my favorite flavored porter ever. Raspberry seems to be a favorite with flavored beers. To send a beer from Poland seems extreme but well worth it. Absolutely wonderful. If you see it grab it.