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Brasserie du Pendule
2 ratings
Brasserie du Pendule

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Post author: WexiLahti
@ La Jonquille
11 months ago
Flight 2/4 (2). Transparent amber beer. The head like in beer #1. Subdued caramel malt comes through to my nose. Apricot follows. Biscuity, overall. And another thin flavored brew... The caramelly touch is, yet, substantially more bitter than that of the previous sample. Okay, a decent edge can be located there. Black tea, fermented grapefruit peel, a drop of pine resin complete the enjoyment. "Enjoyment"... yeah, right. The body is light but at least not skinny. Honestly light. The end is dry bitter caramelly and resinous. No wonder. Tortures my tastebuds for quite a long time. The mouthfeel is light, crisp like crisp is supposed to be, dry and drying. Not my favorite style but I must appreciate that it at least tries to annoy me. Credits for that!