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Wookey Brewing Co.
2 notes
Wookey Brewing Co.

Deep beneath the Mendip hills lies an underworld of secret caverns and half-glimpsed creatures. Cavers emerge wide eyed with tales of supernatural symbols and witches’ marks. Home to the Wookey Brewing Co. whose magically crafted small batch brews contain super-natural ingredients of their own. In the spring of 2020 (a year that will go down in history) the magic began to happen, Samuel dreamt of having a flavoursome local beer because he was tired of tasteless commercially brewed real ales and craft beers available on the UK market.

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Post author: Whaddya drink of that!?
Whaddya drink of that!?
1 year ago
To the eye very pale like weak apple juice... Slight head to it. To the nose slightly sweet fruity little bitterness from the hops.. Slightly sweet the flavor dissipates too fast to get any real notes from it has almost like an apple taste to it.... Unusual..

Post author: Sam Andrew
Sam Andrew
@ Swan Hotel
1 year ago
Fresh and clean. Floral aftertaste. And easy drinker!