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Tantrum Brewing Company
2 notes
Tantrum Brewing Company
United States

Nice facility, friendly staff, happy customers.

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Post author: Edgeworth
@ Tantrum Brewing
2 years ago
Stopped at Tantrum Brewing Company in Cleveland Georgia on our way to Oktoberfest in Helen Georgia. Came with no head in the snifter glass. Has some earthy notes, a bark like bitterness. Caramel is present but would have improved the level of sweetness if it had a more prominent profile. Dry finish. In a hurry to get on the road so pretty short review.

Post author: Edgeworth
@ Tantrum Brewing
2 years ago
On our way to Oktoberfest in Helen georgia. Stopped in Cleveland Georgia at Tantrum Brewing Company. Nice building, crowded with happy customers. Very helpful young lady behind the bar who knows her beer. Beautiful bronze Amber color, has a minuscule amount of haze. Flavors good but a little weak for me. Would have preferred that it had a little more punch especially to bring out the notes of the Marzen that I love so much.