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Zydeco Brew Werks
3 notes
Zydeco Brew Werks
Tampa, United States

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Post author: Edgeworth
@ Ray's Cave
2 years ago
My wife and grandkids just returned from vacation in Tampa Florida. Brought me back a gift, appropriately from a local brewery in a 32 oz growler. Unfortunately, they did not seal the can correctly and it lost its effervescence and leaked some. I'm going to try it anyway but it probably doesn't deserve a rating. As expected, no effervescence. Totally clear and dark for a pilsner. Aroma is strong lemongrass. It is totally flat, damn. Still, it is a consistent lemon grass with some pilsner malt, a little bitter. Good flavor. Not going to pour it all out. Going to have it with my pizza but it was probably pretty good when fresh. Tragic. 😢