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Lithermans Limited
9 notes
Lithermans Limited
United States

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Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ C J's Doghouse
2 years ago
This has a lemon, lime, candied orange, citrusy taste. Medium hoppy bite. Plus it has a cool name. Go Finland tonight. 🇫🇮 🏒 🇫🇮

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ C J's Doghouse
3 years ago
This one is nice. Citrusy and a bit tropical that leans towards grapefruit, pineapple and mango. Now add in: some light pine, a light + bitterness, some very light bready malt. It all just sticks to the tongue too. Yummy. Overall what you get is an excellent, well rounded IPA. I have to admit my first 3 sips I wasn’t impressed. 4 sips on - the taste just took over.