5 notes
Axe & Arrow Brewing
United States
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Mr X
@ The Loft at the Iron Abbey1 year ago
Happy Friday. This one is fruity that leans towards melon that is a tad sour. There’s more fruit there but it’s very indistinctive. Bitterness is light. This is an easy drinker as it is smooth like there are oats involved here.
Overall it’s one of those hazy IPA’s that is a little better than just good but far from great.
Happy international beer day. 🍺🍻🍺🍻
Mr X
@ C J's Doghouse2 years ago
This taste mainly of lemon/lemon zest. Lightly bitter. Probably better in the hot summer months. Nothing special unless you really like lemon. Still I could pound a few of these
Mr X
@ The Loft at the Iron Abbey2 years ago
I think this is an outdated beer (no date to reference). I’m only going to 2.5 for now. Took 3 pours to get to the pic (love the head) as it was foamy.
Definitely has a citra hops taste. Leans towards orange and lemon but stale tasting. Bitterness is medium+.
I think it is one that turned to the bad side thru age. This place does have a tendency to allow that to happen. They also have a great selection. Still ticks me off tho.
Overall no true judgement given the above.
Mr X
@ The Loft at the Iron Abbey2 years ago
Has a tangerine & papaya taste with some very light pineapple. Papaya gets little stronger as it warms. Very light hoppy bitterness which is probably being generous.
It is a little juicy which is a plus.
Overall nothing impressive or seek-able. Not bad but…
Mr X
@ C J's Doghouse3 years ago
Bought by mistake as it was in the stout section and I just grabbed it. Got home, read the can closely and realized it’s a sour. It’s a PB&J sour. In my sense of adventure & trying styles I don’t always prefer I figured I’d give it a go. So here we go
I find this actually more tart than sour. Sourness picks up a bit as you finish. Has a grape taste that is mainly dark grape but mixed with some very light white grape. Now add in the peanut butter that evens this out a little giving it a nice sweet bit of counter balance to the tartness. Tartness still wins out tho. Finishes with the mouth a little dry.
Overall I found it pretty decent and meeting the advertised taste.