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Longueville House
10 ratings
Longueville House

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Post author: Miikka
2 years ago
Apples are bit stingy. Ok, but not very pleasant.😕

Post author: Baptiste R
Baptiste R
@ O'Callaghan Irish Pub
3 years ago

Post author: Jari J
Jari J
@ Pint Please Headquarters
3 years ago
Jahas, siideriĂ€ taas. TĂ€llĂ€ kertaa paljon tummemman vĂ€ristĂ€ kuin aiemman maistamani omenasiiderit, joita ei kyllĂ€ hirveÀÀ mÀÀrÀÀ ole. Ei juurikaan vaahtoa. TĂ€ysin kirkas siideri: 3/5 Omaan nokkaan tĂ€mĂ€ tuoksuu samalta kuin tĂ€hĂ€n asti kaikki (puolikuivat) omenasiiderit, eli noh, jonkun verran makealta omenaltađŸ€·â€â™‚ïž3/5 Suutuntuma on kevyt, vetinen ja jotenki inhottavasti tahmaa heti kiinni kitalakeen ja hampaisiin. Ei toimi: 1,75/5 Maku on vaisu, omemainen, hieman makea ja jĂ€lkimaku tahmaisen kuiva. Odotin paljon runsaampaa makua: 6/20 Onkohan siidereiden ympĂ€rille muodostunut samanlaista harrastajakuntaa kuin oluen? Itse en ole ikinĂ€ kuullut ettĂ€ kukaan harrastaisi nĂ€itĂ€. EnkĂ€ kyllĂ€ yhtÀÀn ihmettele. PitkĂ€lti saman makuisia nĂ€mĂ€ omenasiiderit ainakin tuntuvat olevan. Olenko juntti kun sanon nĂ€in?! đŸ™ˆđŸ€·â€â™‚ïž Noh, joka tapauksessa tĂ€stĂ€ on vaikea löytÀÀ mitÀÀn kovin positiivista. Varsinkin tuo joka hörpyllĂ€ hampaisiin ja kitalakeen kiinni iskevĂ€ tahmaus on ihan hirveĂ€: 10/20 =23,75/50

Post author: JaskanKaljat
3 years ago
Tuoksu: Uskomatonta, ettÀ tÀssÀ on 8%, mutta tuoksu ei tuo sitÀ millÀÀn tavalla esille. Kevyesti omenaa ja vielÀ kevyemmin brandya. MaanlÀheinen. ---- Maku: TÀÀllÀ niitÀ prosentteja sitten on, mitÀ tuoksusta ei löytynyt. Ei tÀÀ mikÀÀn vahva ole, mutta kyllÀ tuo voima tuntuu. PyöreÀhkö, sherryinen ja kirpsakan omenainen. MiellyttÀvÀ nautiskelujuoma, mikÀ rupeaa poskia lÀmmittÀmÀÀn loppupuolella. Mukava kuivuus.

Post author: JaskanKaljat
3 years ago
Tuoksu: Kuivahko ja viipyilevÀn omenainen. YllÀttÀvÀn mieto tuoksu. ---- Maku: Alkuun hyvin kuiva, mutta lopussa on makeutta. Kuivuus tarttuu kieleen ja siellÀ on seassa pihlajanmarjan tapaista hapokkuutta. Hieman pistelevÀ epÀpuhdas loppumaku. Kuin omenat olisi poimittu ja ne olisi liian pitkÀÀn lojunut kuistilla. ItsellÀ on juurikin tuollaisia omenia tÀllÀkin hetkellÀ kuistillani. SiiderissÀ voimaa 5,9 %, mutta ei kyllÀ mausta sitÀ huomaa. On jopa hieman vetinen.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Pint Please Headquarters
3 years ago
Surprise delivery from Pint Please again! This time Irish and English products. Thanks a bunch, dudes! đŸ™đŸ»đŸș This cider is from 🇼đŸ‡Ș. The cider clocks as strong as 8%. The fermentation has taken place in oak Apple Brandy casks. Sounds interesting! The box actually contained two of these. The cider looks surprisingly dark, medium-brown tea-like actually, and fully translucent. A red hue can't be missed. Carbonation doesn't really shoot to the space but unleashes a minuscule-bubbled haze layer that dies rushedly away. I raise the glass close to my nose. Apple is dry and slightly sour, like mash with pieces of peel. Brandy spreads its boozy nuance with a distinct oak barrel twist. I'm not sure if I'm also getting a hint of vanilla in the olfactory package or if I'm only dreaming of it. The taste is significantly drying. Somewhat sour apple is like winter apple with loads of peel. Quite natural though. Brandy is recognizable although a tad introvert while oak barrel is coarse. A moderately boozy tang leaves a warning sensation on the taste receptors. No vanilla in the palate. The finish is harsher than upfront, really peel-like. A coarse oaky twist gives its treatment to the tastebuds. The aftertaste brushes its teeth for the whole evening. The mouthfeel is dry, natural, husky, modestly woody and barrel aged. It's faintly alcoholic, warming and absolutely strongly drying. Also mouthcoating. The label looks luxurious: black and gold tango always beautifully. A good amount of information mainly on the backside. I could imagine buying this because the bottle looks so classy. This is certainly a divisive cider. And somewhat challenging because of brandy cask. I đŸ€Ž the fact that this stands out of the crowd. It avoids the beaten track. I would still appreciate more complexity. Overall, intriguing. Thanks a lot, Longueville House! đŸ™đŸ»

Post author: Julle
3 years ago
Something special as Saunadrink. Design of the Bottle gives you a high quality feeling and I would Buy the product based on the label. Aroma is strong and full, earthly and gives you countryside feeling. Taste is super full, sweet Apples, calvados, brandy and long lasting aftertaste. This cider is not for your average happy joe drinker but I like it a lot. Good package Where the drink and design goes well together.