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Baardaap Brewing
2 notes
Baardaap Brewing

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Post author: WexiLahti
@ OnderNulPuntVijf ONP5
4 months ago
Tree felling with a chainsaw today 🌲🌳🪚🪵  Gosh, not my cup of tea. But a man's got to do what a man's got to do. Now a beer. Opened outdoors, of course. No worries, nothing happened. Hazy honey is the color. She's got the looks. The carbonation is restrained. A creamy moussy head grows one finger tall and dissolves to a neat haze and a slightly bigger lace ring. The scent is fruity and bubblegummy. The fruity side involves mango, banana and apricot. Bubblegum is bubblegum. What else? Wheat biscuit gives a drycakey vibe to the olfactory cocktail. The gustatory sphere is several decimals more bitter than what the sweet-leaning fragrance suggests. Citrusy flavors. I'm receiving grapefruit peel and pith, a pinch of raw pineapple and bitter wheat malt. The body is thin. The end doesn't change a bit from the earlier experience. Mother Mary, won't you whisper? Something but the past and done. Why can't we not be sober? I just want to start the aftertaste over. The mouthfeel is thin, relatively dry, moderately drying, zesty and pithy. Nicely refreshing but also somewhat tangy for a Wheat Beer.