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West Coast Brewing
6 notes
West Coast Brewing

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Post author: Francesco
1 year ago
Hazy yellow robe. Smell is fruity and juicy. Sweet orange aroma. Taste is highly bitter, slightly sweet. A lot of citrus from juice to peel. Not highly carbonated. Quite persistent with a lot of bitterness.

Post author: Francesco
1 year ago
Yellow orange robe. Not foamy but probably due to the flight order. Smell is fresh and have juicy pineapple aroma. Attack is slightly sour with obviously pineapple flavour. Quite smooth and easy to drink. The sourness fades away quickly and let a milky creamy taste. Light bitterness and also light carbonation.

Post author: Cyberp0lice
3 years ago
Another lovely craft beer from Japan. My first beer from West Coast Brewing, and I'm not disappointed. Delicious citrus flavors with a lot of hop flavor. It doesn't stand out too much from other beers, but is delicious nonetheless.