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Rekisteröi panimo


Post author: NO B
1 day ago
Pas mal..🍻

Post author: Mauro
11 days ago
Ha il sapore del malto dolce sia pur in maniera leggera. Non mi entusiasma

Post author: Japeinen
@ K-Citymarket Mikkola
29 days ago
Ihan kiva makeahko ja kirsikkainen mehu.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ K-supermarket Lempola
1 month ago
A non-alc after-sauna fruit beer. Interesting to see how this performs in that role. The hue is limpid medium-ruby. The playful carbonation creates a dense off-white head that portrays a faint pinkish reflection in it. The height is one finger and the foamy layer adorns the top for astonishingly long. The scent is sweet, like cherry jam. For some reason, I can also associate the olfactory experience with cherry filled dark chocolate praline although the beer shouldn't contain anything that would hint at chocolate. The taste deviates from the fragrance in that the level of sweetness is less powerful than that of the scent. Cherry juice and cherry mash are copious, but no oversweet jam. Wheat malt supports the berry bliss. Simple but perversely enjoyable. The body is light. No surprise. The end arrives even less sweet and more manageable than the actual taste. Life's a force majeure, when you feel unsure, of the path you'll take, after what have lost; the aftertaste key. The mouthfeel is light, juicy, rather natural actually, nicely gardeny, soft and smooth. In the context of non-alcoholic fruit beer, this is quite palatable.

Post author: Hugo bière
Hugo bière
2 months ago
Très amère

Post author: Igunator
@ Heinon Tukku
2 months ago
Harvinaisen hyvä holiton, ei tämä hirveästi eroa perus markettikriekeistä. Kirsikkaa löytyy kivasti sekä tuoksusta että mausta, makeutta on hieman liikaa. Oikein positiivinen yllätys.