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International Breweries (ABInBev)
9 notes
International Breweries (ABInBev)

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Post author: Jerome Desarcy
Jerome Desarcy
1 year ago
A pas goûter avant des speciales😅

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Bar Naas
2 years ago
A non-alcoholic Malt Beer sounds like a must... Oh yes. Straight from the bottle. The drink looks deep black. The scent gives enormous liquid rye bread and bowls of syrup. Supersweet. And indeed: the taste is very sweet and gives a boost to my sweettooth. Absolutely syrupy. Loads of heavily sugared rye bread in a liquid form. The mouthfeel is sappy, lip-glueing, soft-drink-like and thick. Nigeria's gift to the humankind. Thank you.