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Troobado (HOMES)
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Troobado (HOMES)
United States

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Post author: Riku K
Riku K
@ Brewklyn Craft Beer Cafe
8 months ago
Perus vaahdot. Väri ja koostumus todella paksu ja syvä. Vanhan roosan värinen. Tuoksu on alkoholisoitunut mansikka ja banaani. Maku on kuin pirtelöä joisi. Saakelin petollinen. Menis yhdellä huikalla. Todella paksu kermainen koostumus. Kuin mansikka ja banaani pirtelö jossa vähän alkoholia seassa. Sarjassaan täydellinen. Täydet pisteet. En mä tiedä ainakaan miten tämä voisi olla parempi.

Post author: Bentech
@ The Greedy Banker
1 year ago
You did order a milkshake seltzer. It’s what it says it is.

Post author: Thomas S
Thomas S
@ The Greedy Banker
1 year ago

Post author: Sirdubby
@ Pint Please at Home
3 years ago
Backlog from May 30th Nice tropical aroma. Taste has pineapple, mango and coconut primarily, along with the higher level of carbonation you expect in a seltzer. Full body. Very tasty. 4.75/5. Thanks Jeff

Post author: Sirdubby
@ Pint Please at Home
3 years ago
Backlog from May 23rd Raspberry and a little bit of mango in the aroma. Taste has a tasty combo of raspberry and mango. As expected, the body is thick with a medium+ amount of carbonation. Very well made. Thanks Jeff. 4.25/5

Post author: Sirdubby
4 years ago
Another hard seltzer. No Fonzie picture this time. Picture is of the head on this. It's so thick, I took a bite out of it and it stayed. Thick, whipped cream-like head that isn't settling at all. Taste has pineapple primarily and just a little bit of coconut in the finish. The carbonation is much less than the strawberry banana version. Best hard seltzer I've tried so far. 4.5/5

Post author: Sirdubby
4 years ago
Backlog from November 16th Craft beer has officially jumped the shark. This is from Troobado, a side project of HOMES Brewery in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I normally wouldn't have bought this, but the hype surrounding it was so intense that I figured I'd give it a shot. This is interesting. Prickly carbonation of a seltzer with the body of a smoothie. Flavor is spot on, with the strawberry being the more dominant flavor. I don't imagine this will be a repeat purchase, but it's pretty damn tasty. High 4.25/5