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House of Funk Brewing Company
6 notes
House of Funk Brewing Company
North Vancouver, Canada

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Post author: Deeandjosh
3 years ago
A very well balanced, dry, light sour. Nice fruity hints of guava and blood orange sweetened with a light vanilla flavour. A refreshing sour for a warm summer day! ☀️

Post author: Deeandjosh
@ Craft Beer Market
3 years ago
A very light, non-tangy taste. A nice beer to enjoy the weekends with! Mid range haziness.

Post author: Deeandjosh
@ CANOE Brewpub
4 years ago
A very easy sour to drink… Slightly thicker and not as watery and taste and texture. Nice and smooth with a great fruity flavour.

Post author: Deeandjosh
4 years ago
Great and unique sour! Ginger and turmeric are very evident but not too overpowering that it is not enjoyable. The flavour gives it a fresh twist. A small acidic tang at the very end.

Post author: Deeandjosh
@ Tap & Barrel - YVR Convention Ct
4 years ago
Very strong flavours throughout the beer. A strong hazelnut taste to start, with a finish of a VERY tart blueberry taste that stays with you forever. Like a second meal!