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Azienda Agricola Crociani
6 notes
Azienda Agricola Crociani

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Post author: Léandre
@ Chez moi
8 months ago
Mama la pizza ella pas droitaaa

Post author: Mst
@ Pala Hodegart
4 years ago
Another offering from my zone, Stetteteste, a nice limited edition blond ale from Altopiano di Asiago! Intense gold amberish color, slightly murky since it is not filtered. To the nose it features different scents blended together, barley and hops are in fact well mixed. The mouthfeel is fresh and bitter, typical of the golden ales. Overall a nice offering, better that the usual italian golden ale and on par with its anglo-saxon counterparts, but with the plus of being all locally grown ingredients!