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Samuel Adams (Boston Beer Company)
7071 ratings
Samuel Adams (Boston Beer Company)
Boston, United States

Samuel Adams is the flagship brand of the Boston Beer Company. The brand name was chosen in honor of Founding Father of the United States Samuel Adams. Adams inherited his father's brewery on King Street. Some histories say he was a brewer, while others describe him as a maltster.

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Post author: Januzh
1 day ago
no juu erillainen american laageri menee aina 👌😎 kivan sitruksinen ja kuiva 😎 mut jepa jee đŸș

Post author: Januzh
1 day ago
no juu erillainen american laageri menee aina 👌😎 kivan sitruksinen ja kuiva 😎 mut jepa jee đŸș

Post author: Caryd0414
9 days ago
A very enjoyable hazy pale ale. It's subtle enough to drink a few while still having some nice flavor. Very close to a session ipa.

Post author: Caryd0414
10 days ago
This beer is good, but I feel there are better options. It's very light and plenty of lemon flavor. It serves its place in the beers of summer pack but nothing I would buy as a stand alone

Post author: Caryd0414
12 days ago
My go to summer beer. A really refreshing citrus wheat beer. Light enough to drink several and enough flavor to satisfy any beer nerd

Post author: AX'ALE
14 days ago
Au nez ça ressemble Ă  une blanche allemande. En bouche on a une biĂšre un peu comme une radler. C'est super lĂ©ger et ça ressemble Ă  une blanche. DĂ©saltĂ©rant mais pas mon truc, mĂȘme en Ă©tant un peu (beaucoup) entamĂ©... Allez je mets 3,3!

Post author: H V
@ K-Citymarket Oulu Kaakkuri
14 days ago
Pirun hyvÀ Amber lager. Maltaista makua piisaa. Toffeeta, siitÀ minÀ pidÀn.