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Cerveceria Modelo Mexico
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Cerveceria Modelo Mexico

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Post author: Joshua G
Joshua G
9 months ago
Great flavor. The mango pops much more so than the Chile. Better in a frosted Tajin rimmed glass. The sweetness can become overwhelming, eventually, but at 3.5 percent, well that eventually tends to happen.

Post author: Romain L
Romain L
@ Liquor Store Yosemite
1 year ago
A déguster au bord d'une piscine

Post author: Greg Y @skollsbeer
Greg Y @skollsbeer
@ Liquor Store Yosemite
1 year ago
🇲🇽 Je ne suis même pas sûr qu’il y ait de la bière dans cette boisson chimique à la goyave qui ressemble à un médicament mais mon pote adore

Post author: Cathy V
Cathy V
@ Métro Marcher Brière
1 year ago
Le goût est le même que la normale que j'aime déjà!

Post author: RichardJRosas
@ Total Wine
3 years ago
Could not find a name of a brewery. This beer has a good bitter taste. Its good tasting beer. Something different