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Post author: WexiLahti
@ Avilys
2 years ago
The second beer is a Honey Beer. The color is transparent, deep amber to light copper. This place is somewhat dark and it's a bit challenging to try and assess the appearance properly. Anyway, the carbonation is laidback as it produces a creamy head that just covers the surface. Retention is long also here. The fragrance is truly subdued with merely honey biscuit and a suggestion of brown sugar. The palate offers honey biscuit, caramel, sweet-leaning malt and a whisper of dried orange peel. This is a Honey Beer but the twist of honey is surprisingly meager. The body is thin. The finish elevates bitter crispness marginally higher but otherwise there's no real difference between the taste and the end. And it also vanishes rather fast. The mouthfeel is thin, lip-glueing, modestly crisp and easy. This one is not a big hit either.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Avilys
2 years ago
Two beers of this brewpub's own on tap. Tasting them both. The first beer is a Lager. Clear, deep gold beer with reasonable carbonation creates a velvety, off-white head that reaches half a finger. Retention is long. The scent is medium-sweet: malt biscuit, cereal and a drop of honey. The taste profile is slightly sweet but manageable: I can detect pale malt, biscuit and cereal. There's also a faint sweet floral note that is not honey — honey is absent in the taste. It's like orange peel. The body is thin. The finish is identical to the actual taste and disappears quickly from the mouth. The mouthfeel is thin, modestly floral, soft and smooth. And also quite characterless. Not a winner, unfortunately.

Post author: Virpasi
5 years ago
Panimolla on hunajalager erikseen, mutta hunajaa tässäkin on