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Urban Alley Brewery
3 notes
Urban Alley Brewery

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Post author: WexiLahti
@ Liquorland, Spencer St.
5 years ago
Lucid, pale gold beer with timid, hasty carbonation tries to build a head which melts down quickly after reaching enormous 3 millimeters. The head is tiny-bubbled and colors clean white. The surface becomes soon totally flat still. The nose receives extremely remote lychee, significantly weak crackers and a shy suggestion of honey. The tongue is indifferent to the watery but light-juicy elements of lemon peel and grapefruit pulp, very standard pale malt and a tiny injection of honey. On one hand, I like the juiciness, on the other hand, the scanty body ruins the experience. All I remain with after swallowing is the rushed impression of standard pale lager. The mouthfeel is unfortunately really watery, rather clean, balanced as to what little I can sense in the first place as well as one of the easiest beers I've ever tasted.