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Weltons Brewery Ltd
82 ratings
Weltons Brewery Ltd

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Post author: Bearded C
Bearded C
4 years ago
Like drinking a glass of water with a lump of coal mixed in it. Probably. Wooo ooohhh.

Post author: Andy T
Andy T
@ Jubilee Oak
5 years ago

Post author: Andy T
Andy T
5 years ago

Post author: Stuart A
Stuart A
@ The Hovelling Boat Inn
5 years ago
Light golden ale, floral aroma, no real head. First taste, floral and citrus, hoppy bitterness at the back of the throat! Unusual, but nice.

Post author: Stuart A
Stuart A
@ The Hovelling Boat Inn
5 years ago
Dark amber colour, slight head, fruity aroma. First taste, fruity hoppy, nice flavour, good session ale.

Post author: Andy T
Andy T
@ Brewery Shades
5 years ago