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The London Beer Factory
2821 notes
The London Beer Factory

Progressive and independent beer. Crafted in South East London. Chelsea Blonde sounds like the punchline to a tasteless joke, or perhaps a Donovan record (no, they're not the same thing), but it’s neither. It is, in fact, a session beer produced by London Beer Factory. Founded in 2014 on the same trading estate that houses Gipsy Hill Brewing, LBF is a company that brims with confidence and ambition. The brothers who run this operation are clearly intent on making a splash - and they probably will. Look out for their London cab, done up in OLBF livery, with beer sold out of the boot.

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Post author: Gemma
@ Tesco
4 months ago
Hazy, very very nice and very tropical, perfect for summer

Post author: Tukiopetuslapsi
@ Tesco Superstore
5 months ago