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Brouwerij Het Nest
880 ratings
Brouwerij Het Nest

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Post author: WexiLahti
@ Hoptimaal
1 day ago
Intensive deck building today, and afterwards enjoying the hot sauna. Therefore, my nightcaps tend to delay seriously. But, who cares, I'm on vacation! My nightcap is dressed in relatively transparent, pale amber. The carbonation is obviously aggressive since it kicks up a massive creamy head that first fills the entire glass. •••  [A bit of patience needed. 🙄]  ••• Okay, the stupid froth has settled down. And of course, it paints the glass with systematic cobwebs all over. Everywhere. Still, a generous lace ring adorns the surface for much longer. An interesting herbal/spiced fragrance. Pretty powerful even. It's a mixture, not easy to identify every piece. Not easy at all. I'd say that there's at least whitepepper and fresh cut grass. Maybe also a suggestion of sage. And something else still waiting for recognition. Yeast, maybe? Let's conclude that it's yeast. And that's the herbal segment only. The malty sector is stuffy and a tad edgy. I would claim that it's wheat but there's no wheat in the beer. Well, whatever. Anyway, the scent is not particularly inviting. The tongue gets surprised big time. The herbal slam is not as overwhelming as it is in the air. Instead, I'm receiving slightly sweet malt, biscuit and a bit of black tea. Damn, there's sugar in the beer! It's no good news. The herbal side joins the show right thereafter but considerably milder. The medley is unpacked as whitepepper, juniper needle and yeast that hasn't disappeared anywhere, it brings a sharp musty flavor to the tastebuds. The wheat is less pronounced but detectable although it shouldn't be. Because it's not there. The body is medium. The finish doesn't really change its course, it's rather close to what I have already experienced with this beer. The eyes that once were living like a jack of spades; smiles of sinless murder; the stormy aftertaste remains; who never rode white horses or wished on falling stars. The mouthfeel is medium, herbal, spiced, relatively musty, dry and drying. And also lip-glueing. The level of effervescence is high but it only disturbs when pouring the beer into a glass. All in all, a rather uncommon package, and gives a great bit of challenge.

Post author: ruoja
@ Dulle Griet
6 days ago
öö. mitä sanois. vehnäoluen huonot puolet yhdessä pullossa Ei jatkoon

Post author: Mauro
1 month ago
Il sapore è ben bilanciato, la mela è ben percettibile. L'inizio è acidulo per poi terminare col dolce delle mele. Lo trovo ottimo da abbinare a piatti di pesce

Post author: Jean-Paul D
Jean-Paul D
@ Thuis
2 months ago
Zeer lekker bier, wat een body

Post author: Vincemanfre
3 months ago
Amber ale dal colorito arancio con schiuma tipica belga che lascia alcune merlature sul bicchiere. Sentori di frutta e resina. Al palato lievemente sbilanciata, ma piacevole. Caratteristica la presenza di brettanomyces

Post author: Jerome Desarcy
Jerome Desarcy
@ Drink peiffer
3 months ago
Houblon, eau, malt belge. Belle équilibre entre l'alcool et amertume resineuse

Post author: Wayne Johnson
Wayne Johnson
4 months ago
Terästettyä kahvia, pikkasen suklaatia ja viinimäistä marjaisuutta. Jotenkin raskasta, mutta ihan juotavaa. Ei kuitenkaan toista samankaltaista samaan iltaan.