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Anagram Brewery
116 notes
Anagram Brewery

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Post author: Patricia M
Patricia M
@ Energiea
9 months ago
Cerveza rumana artesana, algo floja y sin mucha personalidad para ser artesana pero que para la cena me ha parecido perfecta!

Post author: Adrilojea
@ Energiea
9 months ago
Una cerveza artesana que no arriesga pero eso está bien porque no satura y resulta refrescante. Muy original la verdad.

Post author: Järväri
10 months ago
Uusi päivä ja uusi olut Bukarestissa. Tänään päivä käynnistyi Anagrammin Best Coast IPAlla. Tosi jees. Hyvä humala ja ei liian kitkerä. Vähän tujumpi prosenttiluku nostaa päätänsä ihan lopussa, joten ei ihan peity humalalla tämä. Lämpösenä olisi varmaan aika hasardi. Ps. Aamupala tällä kertaa pyöreesti 18 euroa. Kyllä täällä Romaniassakin vain inflaatio nostaa hintoja.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Hop Hooligans Taproom
11 months ago
Beer #3 shines brilliant, deep yellow. Obviously it goes without saying that my attention is guaranteed. 🥰 Reasonable carbonation this time. A creamy but white head climbs one finger high and wafts as a messy ornament on the surface from thereon. And long. Fruity, yes, but something floral in the fragrance, too. Grapefruit and lemon, a little injection of pineapple, perhaps raw, as well as a suggestion of moist summer meadow. Interesting. Grapefruit pulp and a pinch of pith find their way first to my taste receptors. A whisper of something floral but not really recognizable can be added to the list. This is not as appealing as the first two beers but quite nice anyway. The body is clearly light. Alright. The finish carries the same few citrusy flavors to the end as upfront. No change. And the aftertaste seems to die young in this case. The mouthfeel is light, zesty, pulpy but also slightly pithy. Distantly floral but only distantly, which is good. A bit of a disappointment after the two siren songs.

Post author: Cedric C
Cedric C
11 months ago
🇷🇴🇷🇴 assez douce et facile à boire. Un léger goût de miel.

Post author: Cedric C
Cedric C
11 months ago
🇷🇴🇷🇴 vraiment pas mal cette bière blanche. Un goût céréales et épices hyper agréable.