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Mount Saint Bernard Abbey
760 notes
Mount Saint Bernard Abbey
Coalville, England

When the inviability of farming became obvious, we began to look for an alternative source of income and common work. We aimed to establish an industry in which many of us could be involved. Brewing met our requirements. After much careful research and community discussion, we decided to revive the Abbey’s beer-making tradition. We know for a fact that beer was brewed here in the nineteenth century and, contrary to widespread perception, monastic brewing has never been confined only to the Low Countries. Past visitors to our community have left accounts expressing their liking for the monks’ table beer. Although the historic recipe has been lost, we’re certain that the ale we’re brewing now is at least as delicious and nurturing.

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Post author: Sibula
14 days ago
Omaan makuuni tarpeettoman paahtunut (melkein palanut) jälkimaku, mutta muuten oikein hyvää. Tummaa mallasta, luumuisuutta, yrttisyyttä/lakritsia, ja ehkä vähän jotain vaniljaan vivahtavaa.

Post author: Andy
18 days ago
Süss Malzig sehr süffig fein

Post author: Risukka
@ Bierloods22
24 days ago
Bri' ish innit? Todella raskaan ruisleipänen, siirappinen, hieman pohjaanpalanu, maltaine ja makeahko. Väitän et belgihiivan semmone keveys ja kukkaisuus tekis täl ihmeitä.

Post author: Siltsu
@ Alko Hämeenkyrö
28 days ago
Miellyttävän pehmeä ja hieman makea maltaan maku. Tervapastilli tuli mieleen.