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Lidl Deutschland / Germany
8574 ratings
Lidl Deutschland / Germany

Lidl's brewery

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Post author: Mark O
Mark O
@ Lidl Kuusankoski
2 days ago
Perus Lidliä, Santin jälkeen jää kakkoseksi

Post author: Cpt Yapock
Cpt Yapock
5 days ago
Pas ouf. Le genre de truc que tu bois en fin de soirée

Post author: Mark S
Mark S
6 days ago
A perfect pour leaving a picturesque beer of golden yellow with bubbles cascading up the glass and one finger of robust white, foamy head. Scent is typical pilsner, soft wheat, grass, mild citrus hops and a little sweet honey. The mouth feel is superb. Crisp and refreshing with a perfect balance of foam and carbonation. Taste is much like the scent, classic pilsner profile, wheat and barley with mild citrus and a grassy finish. A very good tasting pilsner. Great quality and value.

Post author: Markus K
Markus K
@ Lidl Musa
7 days ago
Ei mitään vikaa, kivasti napsui. Vähän olisi voinut olla purevampi ja rapeampi. Jatkoon!