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Brouwerij Vandenbroek
11 notes
Brouwerij Vandenbroek

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Post author: Arnaud
@ Proeflokaal Arendsnest
9 months ago
On Cask: lambiek 50month lambic .

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Beerdome
2 years ago
I had this beer's standard edition two and a half weeks ago. It was relatively tasty but didn't impress me too much. Let's see what this "special blend + thymehoney" version is like. This is 10/2021 blend. The beer is dressed in deep copper mist. Tired carbonator lays a mediocre white lace ring that floats long on the sides of the top. The wafting haze looks like a bunch of mold spots. Familiar nuances of sour apple, raw gooseberry and white grape merge with dry white wine and wheat malt. There's a distant twist among the olfactory medley, like dry straw. I can't associate it with thyme though. The taste is aromatic and sour, offering especially winter apple, raw gooseberry, wheat malt and somewhat sharp yeast. Grape decides to stay absent. Oak barrel is strong and slivery. Dry white wine is still the principal impression but it's somewhat lame. Unfortunately, I find no thyme, not honey. The body is light. Could it be even a bit more robust than that of the regular version? The finish tweaks simpler, slightly pungent, like cheap dry white wine and a good amount of lemon peel. The aftertaste pinches in the mouth for some time. The mouthfeel is light, a tad tart, moderately puckering and only a little funky. I can't describe this 'Belgiany'. This is also faintly pungent, dry and barrel aged. Nothing wrong with this but I don't find this too inspiring; I would like to sense at least a suggestion of thyme and honey but I just don't. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Piwne Mosty
2 years ago
Gueuze time! 😋 The bottle is double capped: the outer cap is a Champagne sized crown cap while the inner cap is cork. The beer has been bottled in April 2021 but the actual spontaneous fermented beers, the blend of which this is, are from 2019 or earlier. This Dutch baby wears a transparent, light copper gown. Looks rusty. Carbonation is brave but short-lived. A soapy head climbs three fingers tall and dissipates rushedly to a thin lace ring on the sides. The scent gives familiar vibes of Lambic: sour white grape, apple, a sigh of raw gooseberry and wheat malt. The impression is like a mix of very dry white wine and champagne yeast. The taste is dry and sour. I can identify dry white wine, white grape, sour apple, lemon peel and raw green gooseberry. The yeast gives a pungent sensation, reminiscent of wine yeast rather than wild yeast or champagne yeast. The wheaty skeleton is relatively hefty, and the edgy nuances of soaked oak barrel can't be missed either. Despite the lofty wheat punch, the body is thin. The beer turns more sour, citrusy and sharp vinous than before. The yeasty sector grows back wilder. Oak barrel is copious. The flavor package lingers on both sides of the tongue for significantly long. The mouthfeel is tart, puckering, barrel aged, funky and slightly Belgiany. It's reasonably vinous and tannic. Unfortunately, the sensation is also thin.

Post author: Thibault S
Thibault S
5 years ago