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Clonakilty Brewing Company
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Clonakilty Brewing Company

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Post author: Karl G
Karl G
1 year ago
Well it’s an Irish porter and sold out of date! No comment! It’s ok dark and rolling.

Post author: Karl G
Karl G
1 year ago
Lovely tasty kolsch style ale. I enjoyed this and perfect for a hot sunny day.

Post author: Karl G
Karl G
1 year ago
Lovely beer but if a style I’m not good at. So this wheat beer is a wonderful example but one that is lost on me.

Post author: Karl G
Karl G
1 year ago
Lovely piney pale ale (unfortunately they didn’t have the IPA) but this is delicious. Lovely to get away from the dark stuff here in Ireland.

Post author: Mark S
Mark S
2 years ago
The pour from the bottle was surprisingly thin and carbonated for an 8.4% stout. Body is a mild black with only trace, mocha coloured, creamy head. Scent is very smokey, a sort of peat smoke. Beneath this is a tiny sweetness from the malt. Mouthfeel is thin and light with moderate carbonation. Taste is intense smoke, the smokiness drowns everything else, if there is anything else. It's like sitting by a peat fire and drinking the smoke. I'm not a huge fan of smoky beer and this is probably the smokiest of smoky beers. I couldn't finish this unfortunately.

Post author: Frank
@ De barra,s
2 years ago
Good blonde ale. Hazy colour fruity notes, mild hops

Post author: Frank
@ De barra,s
2 years ago
Good red ale. Red brown colour, mild hops , smooht taste

Post author: Frank
@ De barra,s
2 years ago
Good APA. light brown colour, decent hops, good taste,