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Old Bust Head Brewing Company
6 Bewertungen
Old Bust Head Brewing Company
Warrenton, United States

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Post author: Mr X
Mr X
3 years ago
This is malty, malty and add in some malt. Has a heavy toasted caramel and sweet toffee taste. Add in some very light roasted malt too. There is virtually no hoppy aspect to this at all. If you are looking for a balanced Irish red, this ain’t it. I find it very tasty tho. It’s pretty dark for red ale

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
3 years ago
Happy & hoppy New Year to all 🎉🍻🎉🍺🥳 This has a hoppy & malty side that is fairly strong for both. It starts off more hoppy that is citrusy leaning towards lemon and grapefruit. Add in some spicy aspect to the hops too. As you get further in, as it warms, you pick up a caramel malt sweetness. Overall this is a very nice APA. A little more on the hoppy side but it has a great hoppy & malty combination.

Post author: JonD
@ Craft Beer Cellar
7 years ago
Overwhelmingly and unpleasantly bitter, sits on the back of your tongue. Some maltiness. Lacking balance and enjoyable notes.