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Dogfish Head Brewery
935 notes
Dogfish Head Brewery
Milton, United States

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Post author: Gilberto J. M
Gilberto J. M
@ Disney Springs
12 days ago

Post author: Edgeworth
@ Ray's Cave
19 days ago
I've been saving this 2022 bottle although I'm not sure why. At Alabama 🐘today we are having our A-Day 🏈 spring football game with a new coach for the first time in.. forever! Team looked good but you never know. Celebrating a new era with a special IPA. My bottle says 16.6% instead of the 18% but it has aged a little. Surprisingly small head, large bubbles that are dispersing quickly. Deep rustic orange color and so hazy that I can't see through it, no particulates. Sweet citrus aroma that has traces of Amber and an abundance of nail polish alcohol. That's scary!... Wow! That's strong. Soft and creamy texture but that's not the first thing I experienced. First I got a rustic toasted citrus, is that possible? But that was only for an instant. The alcohol then came on strong, really strong. But it wasn't unpleasant or blinding. It was an intense additional flavor. The citrus had an amber and earthly quality, could have mistaken it for being oak barrel aged. The flavor is excellent but it's the alcohol that dominates. Burns the back of the throat and warms all the way to the stomach. It even travels up the nasal cavity to give it a small kick. So glad that I am at home to enjoy this. For a beer that has been so intensely hopped for such an incredibly long amount of time and has such a high alcohol content, the bitterness level is still quite subdued. That's my only complaint with IPAs so.. I can honestly say that I love this beer. It's obvious that great care, pride in your product and a desire to create something special and unique, regardless of the extra time and effort needed, was involved in this creation. I have grown to appreciate that kind of dedication compared to some of the sludge that is out there (903). My first few years into craft beer (2017), I would not have enjoyed this. It's taking me several years to appreciate the differences in different styles and the effort it takes to create them. If you're ready, I highly, highly recommend you try this. It's not Pizza beer but will definitely make you sleep better.

Post author: RichardJRosas
@ Total Wine
27 days ago
Try this beer on 2022 and the taste has change but no its not that its my taste of beer. Beer has a plum taste its really good. 👌

Post author: AX'ALE
2 months ago
Jolie amertume. Notes d'agrumes relevées par l'amertume. Assez florale. Je m'attendais à une IPA lambda mais elle est bien au dessus de la moyenne !