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Moosehead Breweries Limited
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Moosehead Breweries Limited
Saint John, Canada

Defying the odds isn’t just what we do, it’s a part of our DNA. We were founded by a woman in 1867. Lived through two wars. Survived a fire. Overcame the Halifax Explosion. Competed as an independent company against breweries 100 times our size. We haven’t just survived - we’ve thrived. And while others back down, we outlast. Moosehead Breweries Limited is the last major brewery in Canada still owned by Canadians. The brewery is located in Saint John, New Brunswick and operates with values that have been safely guarded by the same family for 148 years. Despite obstacles – devastating fires, Prohibition, the Great Depression, two world wars, obstructive trade barriers, and bruising competition from breweries 100 times its size – Moosehead is one of the most durable and long lasting companies in Canada. Ultimately it has been the Oland family’s passion for beer that has enabled them to be successful over the long term. With their product on beer shelves from the Maritimes to B.C., and its flagship Moosehead Lager shipped to approximately 350 distributors in the U.S.; Moosehead has become an iconic mainstay in North America’s beer industry.

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Post author: Jepetti
13 days ago
Hyvä ja raikas vetolager, joka ei oo liian laimean makuinen vaan makua löytyy vetobisseen juuri sopivasti. Varmasti tulee ostoskoriin jatkossakin positiivinen yllättäjä

Post author: ShandyShawty
17 days ago
Refreshing, the perfect lager

Post author: Simon P
Simon P
@ Home Bargains Swindon
19 days ago

Post author: Kiraving
21 days ago
Interesting, similar to Radler

Post author: One does not simply  .
One does not simply .
25 days ago
First proper Canadian Lager. Was alright, better than the American stuff I've tried. It has a good flavour and was nice to drink

Post author: Edgeworth
@ Ray's Cave
27 days ago
It's Friday and time to enjoy good steak, sweet potato and what I hope is going to be an excellent Canadian lager. White, tall head that broke down to nothing in short time. Mild corn lager aroma. Flavor is nice. Texture is creamy, a little sweet and just enough punch in the flavor and body to make it a gentle and relaxing brew. Low effervescence makes this very drinkable. A great combination with this steak.

Post author: IDollBeers
28 days ago
Carbonation hyper délicate. Au nez, on est sur des notes fraîches et vertes de blé avec une sensation de torréfaction très sec - difficile à expliquer. En bouche, on est sur des notes maltées voire torréfié, pas autant que le café. Équilibré avec son p'tit caractère.

Post author: Mightykoala
29 days ago
Kullankeltainen, kirkas olut puolen sormen vahvuisella vaahdolla. Tuoksussa on sitrusta ja mallasta. Olut on kevyt, hapokas, kuiva ja raikas. Mausta löytyy mallasta, ruohoisuutta ja sitrusta. Sitä saatiin, mitä odotettiin. Tyylissään maistuva. (3+6+3+5+11=28) 2,8