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Brouwerij Liefmans
3397 notes
Brouwerij Liefmans
Oudenaarde, Belgium

The story of Liefmans began in the 17th century, when Jacobus Liefmans set up business as a brewer in Oudenaarde. The building on Aalststraat, on the banks of the River Schelde, has now been standing for more than 300 years. The original brewing apparatus has been retained and forms part of a living museum. It was around 1900 that Liefmans started filling maturation tanks with black cherries, on a small scale. Local farmers brought their excess crops of black cherries to Liefmans and swapped them for beer. The taste and colour of this cherry beer has undergone a metamorphosis since then. One individual who played a key part in this was Rosa Merckx. A highly gifted lady (her talents included ballet), she was closely involved in the brewery’s operations over several decades. Thanks to her encouragement, the cherry beer evolved into a real success story. She was a severe, uncompromising woman who more than held her own in order to make a difference in the world of Belgian beers. Liefmans was the first brewery to wrap every bottle by hand in tissue paper. In honour of Rosa Merckx, her signature now appears on every Liefmans label. Along with today’s master brewers, she still keeps an eye on the quality of Liefmans’ products. Her own personal favourite? Goudenband, in particular, gained a special place in her affections.

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Post author: Tchp
3 days ago
Bon mais un petit peu trop sucré

Post author: Vietnam
@ Aux Terrasses du mini golf
4 days ago
Franchement pas mal mais j’ai déjà réservé le 5 étoiles a la pêche Mel buche

Post author: BierSimi
6 days ago
Leckeres Fruchtbier, schöne (leicht künstliche) Pfirsichnote. Erfrischend und mal was Anderes. Wahrscheinlich besonders gut im Sommer

Post author: Hugo R
Hugo R
13 days ago
De ouf bon la mif , goût crema petit jus de fruit tranquille

Post author: DAM859
@ Le Fourgon
14 days ago
Exactement la même chose que pour la Fruitesse 0% mais cette fois-ci avec 3,8% d'alcool qui, forcément, vont faire légèrement monter la note 👍

Post author: DAM859
@ Le Fourgon
15 days ago
Ça c'est du beau mélange qui ressemble à tout sauf à une bière... c'est bien entendu ultra rafraîchissant mais la liste de points noirs est longue : sucre, édulcorant, sucre liquide, sirop de fructose-glucose, arôme et acides en tout genre... un vrai sirop industriel. ET SANS ALCOOL ! Bref, service plat et couleur digne d'un diabolo grenadine. A l'odeur c'est assez identique : du sirop de fruits rouges en tout genre. Bombe de sucre en bouche donc certes j'aime ce goût mais pas pour ma bière même sans alcool.