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Oslo Brewing Company
1027 arviota
Oslo Brewing Company
Oslo, Norway

We approach beer through our love for Oslo and the fantastic opportunities and setting this city offers, during all seasons. We are putting the city on the map. And we’re using our beer to do so. We’re doing everything in the now. Our company is not based on thousand years of experience, but based on what beer is today and what our city is today. Oslo is extremely exciting. So is beer.

Onko tämä sinun panimo?
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Rekisteröi panimo


Post author: Harri Lehti
Harri Lehti
@ Systembolaget Kalix
3 days ago
No ei ny kovin erikoinen, mutta enköhän saa juotua.

Post author: Jani R
Jani R
@ Alko Nuorgam
4 days ago

Post author: Lexxxa
@ Norwegian
5 days ago
Hyvä hieman sitruksinen lager

Post author: zepicin
@ Alko Kauklahti
8 days ago
Paahteisen maitosuklainen, melko vahva makumaailma. Jälkimaku hieman vetinen. Alku lupaa hyvää, mutta jää jotenkin vaisuksi.

Post author: Kohtalo P
Kohtalo P
8 days ago
Kylläpä virkistää museokierroksen keskellä!

Post author: no Arikato
no Arikato
@ Norwegian B737-800
9 days ago
oli mitä lupas

Post author: Musamiehenoluet
@ K-Citymarket Kolmisoppi
10 days ago