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Brouwerij De Koninck (Duvel-Moortgat)
3184 notes
Brouwerij De Koninck (Duvel-Moortgat)
Antwerpen, Belgium

Looking for the real taste of Antwerp? Since 1833, there has been just one address: our Antwerp City Brewery. Because when people get together in Antwerp, they do so more often than not with a Bolleke Koninck in their hand. And that’s how De Koninck has become synonymous with Antwerp –and vice-versa. Every day, we work hard to uphold this proud tradition while also experimenting on ways to perfect and reinvent the taste of Antwerp.

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Post author: Clermont T
Clermont T
@ Bierpunt
6 days ago
Donker bier Licht van smaak

Post author: ManjaAarts
@ Brouwerij De Koninck
19 days ago
Fris biertje maar minder fijne nasmaak

Post author: ManjaAarts
@ De Koninck Antwerp City Brewery
19 days ago
Tja… is lekker maar zit niet veel smaak aan