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Habesha Breweries (Bavaria)
81 ratings
Habesha Breweries (Bavaria)

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Post author: Harry414
3 months ago
eiskalt gut genießbar

Post author: Reynald B
Reynald B
@ Abyssinia
7 months ago
Une bonne blonde de caractère qui fait plaisir !

Post author: Breuz1
7 months ago
Lager industrielle très classique mais qui s'avère être de bonne compagnie pour accompagner un repas éthiopien.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Cafe Restaurant Zara "2001" Ethiopiennes et Erythriennes Spécialité
10 months ago
Eritrean food 🇪🇷 Ethiopian beer 🇪🇹  The former is nice and spicy, the latter... is just there. Had several variants a long time ago but let me refresh my memory. Sparkling, clear gold beer releases a clean white, fluffy head that exceeds first one finger. The foamy cap shrinks quickly downwards. Sweet malt with a biscuity vibe constitutes the olfactory supply. That's it. The tastebuds get fast-lived pale malt, slightly sweetish, like biscuity, lemon zest and a grassy hint. I can additionally observe something that resembles diacetyl (not surprised) and faint fermented banana and we'll as a herbal twist. Can't specify what herb. Interesting anyhow. Very African — your never know what you get. The body is light minus. The finish proves very similar to upfront. No change basically. Dies young. The mouthfeel is thin, a bit sappy, frothy, easy, a bit odd, maybe it's the herbalness. Goes okay with the spicy meal but otherwise not a huge success. Looks like I've had this before.