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Birrificio Il Mastio
45 ratings
Birrificio Il Mastio

The beers are made in accordance with the ancient tradition of brewing, combining painstaking research of raw materials of high profile an ideal environment, equipped with the latest technology. All beer brewed in our brewery are raw and unpasteurized then, top-fermented and (deliberately) not filtered. They are fermented in the bottle or keg and, especially during the aging process, are enhanced by the flavors and aromas that make it unique. Beer Mastio ... good and refreshing

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Post author: beerrocks
@ Snake Bar
12 days ago
Goldgelbes, unfiltriertes, naturtrübes Blonde Ale (Gluten Free) mit schöner, stabiler, feinporiger, weisser, cremiger Schaumkrone / in der Nase Noten von Getreide und Brotkruste sowie florale Noten / im Gaumen leichter bis mittlerer Körper, spritzig / im Geschmack Aromen von Getreide und Honig, floral und krautig, ausgewogen, vollmundig / angenehme Bitterkeit im Abgang. Fazit: Sehr süffiges, erfrischendes und aromatisches Blonde Ale! ABV: 4.6 % Vol. / IBU: 16

Post author: Philippe G
Philippe G
@ Armando al Pantheon
3 months ago
Bière italienne excellente en attente de Pasta…

Post author: Vincemanfre
4 months ago
Belgian stronge Ale color bruno lievemente torbido. Schiuma appena accennata. Al naso si presenta ben strutturata ed equilibrata, con sentori di zucchero candito e caramello, oltre a frutta autunnale matura. Al palato prevale il dolce dello zucchero candito e la sapidita' dello zenzero e dei chiodi di garofano

Post author: Vincemanfre
5 months ago
Blanche dal colore giallo paglierino, schiuma poco persistente. Al naso sentori di cereali e biscotti. Al palato buona la maltatura, lievemente luppolata