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Range Ales Brewery Limited
8 notes
Range Ales Brewery Limited

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Post author: Stuart A
Stuart A
@ The Hovelling Boat Inn
5 years ago
Dark coloured Mild, no head, aroma of coffee and malt. First taste, malty sweet, coffee and chocolate, slight lingering bitterness.

Post author: Stuart A
Stuart A
@ The Hovelling Boat Inn
5 years ago
Dark bitter, nearly a stout, slight head, aroma of coffee. First taste, coffee and toasted malt, overtones of sweet coconut.

Post author: Stuart A
Stuart A
@ The Hovelling Boat Inn
5 years ago
Hazy golden ale, slight head, fruity aroma. First taste, fruity sweetness, some hoppy bitterness. A complex mix. A nice flavoursome beer!

Post author: Dan W
Dan W
6 years ago
Almost a chocolaty/marmalade taste... Not unpleasant, just complex.