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Guinness Ghana Breweries
28 notes
Guinness Ghana Breweries

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Post author: Kapteeni Nikolai
Kapteeni Nikolai
1 year ago

Post author: SOD
1 year ago
Auch sehr schmackhaft. Vielleicht ist es etwas besser, weil es nicht das erste Bier des Abends ist.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Bar Naas
2 years ago
Social situation... Clear amber beer with a creamy head that shoots up to three fingers. The scent is slightly biscuity, neatly malty. The taste gives moderately sweetish nuance, a good load of biscuit, slightly bready as well. Also faintly caramelly. This contains a bit of sorghum, probably that's the source of the vibe. Interesting. They mouthfeel is light-medium, satiating, soft and smooth. Balanced. Not very different from the regular beers but not exactly identical either. Goes down with my fufu. The meat is "bush meat", today it's grasscutter.