467 arviota
Dartmoor Brewery Ltd.
Onko tämä sinun panimo?
Rekisteröi panimosi ilmaiseksi ja hallitse panimosi tietoja Pint Pleasessa.
Rekisteröi panimoArviot
5 days ago
A fairly dark ruby brown, not too fizzy with only a slight head. Medium bitterness initially with a slight cherry sweetness on the finish. Reminiscent of a winter ale & very drinkable too. Recommended.
Pint Please! 🗣️
22 days ago
Probably rates quite highly on the GQI, Gazmod’s Quaffability Index. Very drinkable & full of flavour. Recommended. Pint please!🗣️
27 days ago
Lovely. It’s ale brewed beside the Jail, the highest Brewery in England, testing negative for Radon with my Geiger Counter! Nice ruby, slightly creamy mouthfeel, not too much gas (!?!), very well balanced with just a hint of sweetness on the finish.
Sensible head & a good bottled drop. Recommended.
Not personally passed by the local Judge.
Pint Please! 🗣️
@ The Start Bay Inn1 month ago
Nice amber/copper ale, tastes of toffee and easy drinking.
Julian Selby
@ Tesco, Trowbridge1 month ago
A delicious golden brown ale with a well rounded flavour and a rich moreish aftertaste. Certainly the best I’ve tried from the Dartmoor range!
Julian Selby
@ Morrisons1 month ago
A classic ale; smooth, full flavoured and balanced with a crisp malt fruit finish. Golden brown in colour with an aroma of freshly baked bread and a hint of spice.
Julian Selby
@ Morrisons1 month ago
A highly drinkable light golden pale ale with a unique blend of English and Australian hops, creating a subtle tropical and grapefruit flavour. The finish has a superb earthly, floral and spiciness which gives this beer a real kick.
Simon P
@ The Wine Bar1 month ago