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DOT Brew
523 ratings
DOT Brew
Dublin, Ireland

Contract Brewery.

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Post author: Ciaranx9
@ Aldi wilton
15 days ago
Not too sweet, easy to drink, a little lacking in flavour though

Post author: Mark S
Mark S
25 days ago
A nice pour to a nice looking body, another golden body with a hazy orange hue and a nice big, off white foamy head that had decent retention. It slowly reduced but settled to one sturdy finger while tonnes of bubbles cascaded up the glass. Scent is pale malt, a sort of citrus base, some peach, melon and lychee. While each scent is distinct and firm, overall they make a nice subtle profile. In the mouth it's very juicy upfront then a nice hit of carbonation rolls in before it all passes to leave a dry feeling in the mouth. The taste at first is peach fighting it out with the pale malt and mild pine. The subtle sweetness of the lychee and melon come next with traces of thd citrus mingling in and out. The taste and Mouthfeel start to turn syrupy towards the end which spikes the sweetness and makes the body a little more weighty. A decent ipa, i would love to try it on tap.

Post author: Mark S
Mark S
28 days ago
Not a great pour as the picture illustrates. Even though it was poured gently there was way too much foam and it took a very long time to settle atop a golden yellow body with a mellow dark hue and tonnes of vibrant bubbles inside the glass. Scent is nice, hitting all the right notes, particularly lots of roasted barley. There is also a little sweet biscuit and a tiny amount of dry cracker. Mouthfeel is foamy at first before getting hit with tonnes of carbonation. It's quite smooth at the end and over the life of the beer, this smoothness spreads closer and closer to the start as the carbonation and foam dissipate. I had to expect this would get flat after the overly foamy pour. Taste is nice but nothing new. Lots of barley malt upfront, the biscuit and cracker are barley present. There doesn't appear to be much else. It is not by any means a complex beer, but it's very tasty and satisfying.

Post author: Toni Trash
Toni Trash
2 months ago
Comme une IPA irlandaise. En mode West Coast. Amertume très agréable. Saveurs florales, avec des arômes de citron vert. C'est validé.

Post author: Miika
@ Underdog (ireland)
3 months ago

Post author: Miika
@ Teeling whiskey
3 months ago