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White Gypsy Brewery
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White Gypsy Brewery

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Post author: Mark S
Mark S
7 months ago
Looks like White Gypsy have changed their name, and Pint Please are peddling ads as I've used up my 'free scans'. Oh well, the world she is changing. The pour looks bad but I think it's quite welcoming, I think it's more indicative of an authentic small batch brewing. Body is a lovely deep Ruby red, almost murky brown with an amber hue and a nice light brown head with good retention. Scent is vert malty, biscuit, toffee, mild dried fruit, candied orange peel and a little spice. At first the spice wasn't present but there was a copper hue, perhaps a transition from getting out of the bottle. Mouthfeel is mildly carbonated at first with only the faintest crisp feeling. Suffice to say there was alot of foam in the mouth. Unfortunately the beer flatlined shortly after but still maintained itself otherwise. Taste is a great balance of all the scent profiles, lots of orange peel, dried fruits and spice, nutmeg & cinammon, with the sweet toffee cutting through. An excellent Christmas beer.

Post author: Sláinte
5 years ago
Beautiful beer. Very light bodied. Fresh and sharp raspberry nose with a slightly funky notes. Taste is like no other. The Raspberry is the main event hits sharp then gently regresses back but lingers around for awhile. Loved this beer!! Bottle wasn't big enough!

Post author: TyrilBou
@ Franciscan Well Brewery
5 years ago

Post author: Raph L
Raph L
@ Cashel Palace Hotel (coming soon... )
5 years ago
Red is good for me!!!!