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Compañía Cervecera de Puerto Rico
40 ratings
Compañía Cervecera de Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico

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Post author: Schwartzbootz
4 months ago
This beer IS liquid bread. It is light and has taste. It is like an unimposing friend who hangs out and finishes sentences for you when you forget the words.

Post author: kumikani
@ San Juan
5 months ago
Reissupäivä 21 ja jahti toi Puerto Ricon saarelle San Juaniin. Paikallista lattarijanojuomaa, Medalla Premium Lightia. Just sopivan kylmää ja kevyttä kun asteita on pitkästi yli kolmekymmentä.

Post author: Jon®
@ Emerald Island Resort Kissimmee
2 years ago
Actually quite flat with a very watery taste. Drinkable just.