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Rebellion Beer
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Rebellion Beer

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Post author: Mike G
Mike G
2 months ago

Post author: Dartford Dave
Dartford Dave
@ The Furze Wren
5 months ago
JDW Beer Festival, Spring, 2024. Pours deep Ruby colour with a white head. Nutty, fruity flavours. Smooth drinking, tasty beer.

Post author: Karl MB
Karl MB
@ The Last Post Southend
5 months ago
Some prefer the beach with a cocktail, me? sitting by the fire with this extremely smooth, flavoursome ale, happy days (or should that be hoppy!)

Post author: * Beerculjan *
* Beerculjan *
@ The Royal Standard of England
9 months ago
Auch muss ich sagen: sehr sehr lecker! Toffee/Karamell ist auch hier am Start. Jedoch ist es statt fruchtig eher würzig. Passt sehr gut!

Post author: BierSimi
@ The Royal Standard of England
9 months ago
Leicht süß und malzig, zarte Karamellnote, ganz leichtes Nussaroma. Leckerer runder Geschmack.