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Orbit Beers
175 arviota
Orbit Beers
London, England

Cologne and Dusseldorf enjoy one of Europe's most entertaining rivalries, even if it doesn't get much airtime in the UK. These German cities are at daggers drawn over football, carnivals - and beer. Cologne has Kolsch; Dusseldorf Altbier. Both styles are brewed by Orbit, a thoroughly Euro-phile outfit. It's a laudable approach in a city swamped by hop-heavy pale ales, which is nonetheless beginning to appreciate Germany's magnificent contribution to the world of beer. On this occasion, I think Dusseldorf is the winner, with the nutty, bitter Neu the pick of Orbits brews. You may disagree, particularly if you're from Cologne.

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Post author: Mizzo
27 days ago
For me a unique quaffable lager. Heavy tasted that I found interesting and really enjoyed. Will be buying more

Post author: Sam K
Sam K
2 months ago
Ealing Beer Fest. I'll add them now before I fotget what I drank.

Post author: IDollBeers
@ Kill The Cat
3 months ago
Pas ma Sour préférée, mais elle est incroyablement réussi. Tu penses Tsatsiki, tu bois Tsatsiki. Ne conviendra pas à tout le monde. On a les notes aigres et fraîche de cette entrée grec. À accompagner avec un Pain Pita et de l'Halloumi.