12 ratings
Live Oak Brewing Company
Austin, United States
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Leonardo Gasparini
@ Hotel Fairmont Austin11 months ago

@ Heb1 year ago
Refreshing tasting beer has no bitter taste

@ HEB4 years ago
This beer has a different tast i like that for those that cannot try different things. For this beer has orange taste it okay

@ Gulf Shores Alabama5 years ago
Enjoying beer during our family vacation in Gulf Shores. Trying to survive the virus. This is a Texas beer brought for our vacation.
Has a moderately high head, white. Not lasting. Medium light yellow color, very hazy. Not much aroma. Intense flavor. Floral with strong clove notes. This is almost too strong to drink by itself. I need to have food to share the flavor. Cloves continue through the nostrils during the finish, persistent in its intensity. I like beers with flavor but this may be too much for me.