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Kasteel Tripel 11.0%, Kasteel Brouwerij Vanhonsebrouck, Belgium
1566 ratings
Kasteel Tripel
11.0% Tripel
Kasteel Tripel is a strong blonde specialty beer brewed with a high proportion of aroma hops. The fruitiness of the hops and the impressions of malt and cloves give the beer character. This triple has a mildly bitter taste and appeals to many beer lovers.
IBU: 30


Post author: bworker
15 days ago

Post author: Bapt Cars
Bapt Cars
16 days ago

Post author: CraftBeerChronicler
@ Polhill Farm Shop
20 days ago
Kasteel Tripel, Belgium
Kasteel Tripel pours a clear, deep golden colour with a thick, frothy white head that lingers for a moderate amount of time. The beer appears effervescent and inviting in the glass. The aroma of Kasteel Tripel is rich and complex, with notes of sweet malt, Belgian yeast, and a hint of spice. There are also subtle fruity esters present, reminiscent of pear or apple, adding to the overall aromatic profile. Upon tasting, Kasteel Tripel delivers a bold and robust flavour profile. The sweet malt backbone is complemented by fruity notes of banana and pear, along with a touch of spice from the yeast. The alcohol content is noticeable but not overpowering, contributing to a warming sensation with each sip. This tripel beer has a medium to full body with a smooth and creamy mouthfeel. The carbonation is moderate, providing a pleasant effervescence without being overly fizzy. The finish is slightly dry, leaving a lingering warmth on the palate. Kasteel Tripel is a well-crafted Belgian tripel that exemplifies the style with its complex flavour profile and balanced characteristics. While it may not be the most innovative or groundbreaking beer in its category, it is a solid representation of a traditional Belgian tripel that is sure to please fans of the style. This beer is best enjoyed slowly to savour its intricate flavours and aromas. Bottoms up!

Post author: Delaunoy A
Delaunoy A
1 month ago

Post author: Sapir Lev
Sapir Lev
1 month ago
Kasteel Tripel, Belgium
22nd July 2023

Post author: Kal'riff
1 month ago

Post author: P-h L
P-h L
2 months ago

Post author: ThomasGL
2 months ago
Kasteel Tripel, Belgium

Post author: Thomas D
Thomas D
2 months ago

Post author: Quentin V
Quentin V
2 months ago