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Straw Dog 4.6%, The Wolf Brewery, England
6 notes
Straw Dog
4.6% Wheat Beer / Wheat Ale
Pale and refreshing, this clear wheat beer is brewed in the German style. Soft German hops added to the brew give a wonderful aroma and slightly sweet taste to leave the imbiber wanting more!


Post author: Clusp
2 years ago
It tastes a bit raw, like there's a carrot stick at the bottom of the bottle, hiding in the gloom. It's not bad, don't get me wrong it tastes okay, but I prefer my carrots in plain sight. In fact I think every vegetable should never be incognito. Apart from celery and courgettes, which are an abomination to nature, God, and me, and should be purged from this earth.

Post author: Sg ale
Sg ale
6 years ago
Straw Dog, England

Post author: Gibbo
6 years ago

Post author: Andy B
Andy B
6 years ago
Straw Dog, England

Post author: Metal Dwarf
Metal Dwarf
9 years ago