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Glüh Märzen 5.8%, Švyturys (Carlsberg), Lithuania
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Glüh Märzen
5.8% Oktoberfest / Märzen
A while ago, Lithuanian brewery Švyturys presented their cinnamon infused Marzen to honour one of their staple brews, Baltijos. The latter has been around for 50 years, so, naturally, such an occasion called for  something special. The beer, called Gluh Marzen, is sold in pretty 0.75 l bottles but isn’t outrageously expensive. We tasted this one on two separate occasions. One at home, the other — at the Christmas beer tasting session. And, just for the kicks, we compared it to the original, Baltijos. Let’s see how it fared! Appearance: Dark brown semi-opaque body with a thick brownish head that dissipated quite fast. Aroma: Cinnamon and mulled wine — as expected. Taste: Cinnamon is helluva spice. Well, it’s very easy to make things inedible/undrinkable if you put too much of it. This beer seems about right, and the cinnamon even takes a step aside to let caramel shine through. Buuuut… After a while the cinnamon sort of sticks to your throat and the beer becomes too bitter. Mouthfeel: Although the brew starts off promising, in the end it’s rather light and watery. Notes: Even though at first cinnamon notes seemed nice and mellow, eventually this beer became too hard to drink, too bitter (and not in the good way). It’s like it was too straightforward, without subtle nuances. But maybe it’d be super good mulled? Maybe we were doing this wrong the whole time?


Post author: Povilas M
Povilas M
7 years ago
Glüh Märzen, Lithuania