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Ruinten Triple IPA 10.8%, Stone Brewing (Sapporo Breweries), United States
17 notes
Ruinten Triple IPA
10.8% Triple IPA
In June 2012, we celebrated the 10th birthday of our notoriously mega-hopped double IPA, Stone Ruination IPA, with the release of a very special version that was even bigger and, incredibly, even hoppier than the original. If Stone Ruination IPA is “A Liquid Poem to the Glory of the Hop,” then Stone Ruination Tenth Anniversary IPA was an amped-up heavy metal version of that ode delivered with the force of a sledgehammer. Luckily for us, our fans love loud and aggressive brews, specifically when copious amounts of humulus lupulus are involved. The original release of this beer was so instantly beloved by those who dared try it.
IBU : 110
Houblon : Centennial, Citra


Post author: SchedelCB
@ Beer@home
2 years ago
Ruinten Triple IPA, United States
Arrogant Bastard in Vornehm: Wunderschöne klare Bernsteinfarbe, kräftig holzige Malznote mit leichten Zitrusanklängen, etwas Honig und zarter Vanille, das Ganze unterlegt von heftigen 110IBUs, durch die Vollmundigkeit aber nie unangenehm, sondern schön ausgewogen und passend - wieder was Besonderes aus dem Hause Stein - thumbs up!!

Post author: Bonne1978
2 years ago

Post author: Ewiq
2 years ago
Ruinten Triple IPA, United States
Juotu kuvan tietojen mukaan lokakuun 23. päivä, tasan 2kk sitten. Unohtunut merkata.

Post author: Peter G
Peter G
@ Beer52
2 years ago
Strong Imperial IPA. The first sip has a huge flavour kick. Very warming, needs to be enjoyed over time

Post author: Thezz
@ Hopfen und Malz Aachen
2 years ago
Ruinten Triple IPA, United States

Post author: Teal
2 years ago
80kr (stigberget) OOtroligt risig smak som sätter sig i svalget. Etiketten speglar smaken…

Post author: Edgeworth
@ Thirsty Peret
2 years ago
Ruinten Triple IPA, United States
My third day in Texas having beers with the son-in-law. Having a Stone Brewery triple IPA. Not normally my favorite category of beer, but this should be an interesting experience. Pours to a totally clear orangish amber color. Citrus aroma with some soft amber malt. Starts with the super bitterness of a triple IPA but quickly fades into a soft amber, lightly roasted malt. As it moves into the finish, an intense bitter makes the mouth pucker. Dryness is dominant. One thing is clear. This was crafted by a master. He knew exactly what he was trying to do and brought the beer to that flavor. But. That is not for me. Too hoppy, too bitter. Sorry.

Post author: AA61
3 years ago

Post author: Scott Johnson
Scott Johnson
7 years ago

Post author: Antza
8 years ago
Tuhdisti humaloitu voimakasrunkoinen IPA. Vähän jää kyllä yksioikoiseksi ja prosentit maistuu läpi, odotin enemmän.