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Verbena There, Done That, Got The Tea-Shirt 6.0%, Electric Bear Brewing Co., England
1 notes
Verbena There, Done That, Got The Tea-Shirt
6.0% India Pale Ale


Post author: Philmyglass
7 years ago
Verbena There, Done That, Got The Tea-Shirt, England
This is a cracking and unusual collaboration between Electric Bear and Wild Weather Ales. Firstly it's not very IPAish at all, no bitter hops in sight. Instead it's full of fruity flavour with lemon that lingers, herbs, light caramel malts and what I'm assuming is tea (I'm not a tea drinker). A full and smooth mouthfeel makes for a luxurious drink indeed. I can see this being a bit of a marmite beer but its verbena the best lemon tea IPA I've had 🙄